No Sweat!

At Ava MD, we are dedicated to bringing out the best you that you can ask for. And sweaty underarms are a no-no for the enterprising man or woman who want to always be bringing their A-game in any aspect of their lives. Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a condition affecting 1-3% % of Americans.…

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Eye Revivers

As a dermatologist I can tell you the one thing that nearly everyone asks about is eye revivers . . . eye cream, gels, serums etc.  What I’ve done is gathered a list of favored eye care products from our staff of amazing skin care experts here at AVA MD along with a couple of…

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This is Your Skin at Rest

During Hollywood’s studio era, glamorous women of a certain age would get their facelifts on the QT in Beverly Hills then hightail it down to Palm Springs to recover on the sly.  Four months later they would emerge, like butterflies from chrysalises, looking miraculously ‘well rested.’ It’s no secret that you’re not going to be…

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Quick Change Artist

Transitioning from a work duckling into a social butterfly…fast! If you’re anything like me, a lot of times you don’t have the luxury of running home to bathe and change clothes for a big night out or social event.  We usually have to make-do in the cramped quarters of bathroom at work to make our…

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Skin-Fabulous Foods

Good (and good for you) recipes from ‘Girls’ Night In’ We’ve just completed a fun video for my web series, Ask Ava, called Girls’ Night In where I introduce a subject very dear to my heart: Skin-Fabulous Foods. What’s it take to be Skin-Fabulous?  Quite simply, it must be a food item or a recipe that…

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Dr. Shamban on

Check out my new blog, Skin and Tonic on Hear what I have to say about keeping your skin looking great after the holidays. Holidays have come and gone. The sequined dress is at the dry cleaners. The poofy slippers are on the feet. And, if you’re not passed out on the sofa clicking through…

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Fruitcake on Your Face

  Fruitcake on Your Face Take this least-wanted of holiday gifts and turn it into a thing of beauty. Chances are, this seasonal concoction doesn’t do much for you in its baked and sliced form.  But some of the ingredients you might find in it, in their pre-fruitcake state, can do wonders for your skin.…

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This Holiday Give the Gift of Beautiful Skin

GIVE THE GIFT OF FABULOUS SKIN By Ava Shamban, MD December is the month of giving.  And now that you’ve gotten through your holiday shopping, you can concentrate on the important stuff—giving to yourself. Most of us think of a ‘gift’ as something we give to others. But if you want to be the MVP…

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Signature Feature

Signature Feature Dr. Ava Shamban When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Who do you see? Are you aware of the most significant part of your face or body? Or of your own natural beauty? Don’t Fix What’s Not Broke It is a truly awful feeling to not feel comfortable in your…

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DIY Pumpkin Facial

Give your skin and your senses a break this Thanksgiving with everyone’s favorite seasonal vegetable!  Pumpkin provides a powerhouse of benefits, for all skin types, including: Sun damage repair: Vitamin A to soothe and soften, Vitamin C to remedy environmental damage Reduction of inflammation: Medley of anti-inflammatory actives soothe and calm Exfoliation: Highly effective enzymes…

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Everyone Loves a Quitter

In honor of November 15’s Great American Smokeout, I want to share a bit of news with you:  Smoking kills. And if that won’t make you quit, how about this?  Smoking attacks your skin. Smoking not only accelerates the aging process and shortens the lifespan by more than ten years. And if you smoke a…

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Sugar and Your Skin

It’s true.  You are what you eat.  And sugar and high fructose corn syrup will age you prematurely—inside and out. But can sugary drinks be good for your health? Especially when they make claims of fruit and vitamin infusions?  Soft drink manufacturers want you to think so.  Most recently, 7-UP prettied up their bottles with…

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