Dr. Shamban on BeautyLish.com

Check out my new blog, Skin and Tonic on BeautyLish.com. Hear what I have to say about keeping your skin looking great after the holidays.

Holidays have come and gone. The sequined dress is at the dry cleaners. The poofy slippers are on the feet. And, if you’re not passed out on the sofa clicking through reruns of Madmen, wondering how they party so hard and still look so chic, chances are you’re looking in the mirror thinking, sheesh! What in the heck just happened to my skin?

Fun times, unfortunately, can have their price. But with a little effort, you can look as cute as Megan Draper does after a bender. Or at least, almost. Here’s how to get back your pre-holiday glow.

Holiday Skin Symptom: Puffy Eyes From Partying


  1. Get back on your sleep schedule. Safeguard your rest, and learn how to say no!
  2. Use an eye cream! Try a formula preferably with caffeine and/or Vitamin K, AHA’s, Vitamin C to reduce dark circles and puffiness. Keep the eye cream in the fridge to further bring down the poof.
  3. Sleep on your back. This prevents fluid collection in the face and under your eyes.
  4. Try some DIY remedies. There are the tried and true—cucumbers and tea bags—but here’s a few additional eye-savers to try for quick relief: ground ginger and honey, aloe, moist coffee grounds, turmeric and honey, avocado slices, and/or pineapple slices. To read more click here.