Chill Baby, Chill

There is the ideal world. Where you have more than enough time to go to the gym daily, hike mountains, pack in the pilates, and adore your body and the way you look in a bandage dress. Your partner does the dishes every night, without asking, feeds you homemade chocolate chip cookies with no calories, and massages your feet. In bed.

Then there is the real world. Where you get home from your ten day business trip way too late for yoga, order take out for the eleventh time, write your keynote speaker speech for tomorrow morning, and cancel that date from ‘’

Sooner or later, we all have to face up to reality.

But there are ways to take the edge off. Like CoolSculpting by Zeltiq. No time to work out? No problem. Living in lounge wear? Not for long. This amazing procedure literally freezes your fat away. Your skin, which is made mostly up of water, is frozen or damaged at 32 degrees. Fat, however, is actually crystalized (or destroyed) at 37 degrees. CoolSculpting uses a chamber to pull in your skin for an hour and lower the temperature to 37 degrees which is long enough and cold enough to eliminate approximately 20% – 30% of the fat that’s in the treatment area. The fat cells die within about 48 hours of the treatment and are slowly eliminated through the gastrointestinal tract over the next four to twelve weeks. Check it out in our Beverly Hills office. Simple, easy, beautiful, done. On your lunch hour. Without breaking a sweat.

Learn more about abdominal fat treatment from

You can even check your inbox during your procedure. Who knows—maybe there’s a message from a handsome stranger. One who has both employment, and hair.