
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which patches of skin turn lighter or white. While vitiligo is not actively harmful, it may cause significant psychological distress as well as increased susceptibility to sunburn and dry, itchy skin. Vitiligo unfortunately cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be managed through a variety of treatments with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Dr. Ava and her team of board-certified dermatologists are experts in diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of medical skin conditions, including vitiligo. If you are experiencing patches of skin turning significantly lighter than the surrounding skin, don’t hesitate to contact Ava MD for an appointment. Call us at our Santa Monica location 310-843-9915 or Beverly Hills 310-828-2282 to learn more.

What Causes Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is caused when melanocytes, which are the cells responsible for producing pigment in the skin, are damaged or killed. No one knows exactly what causes these cells to die, but the prevailing theory is that it is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the melanocytes. Vitiligo tends to be hereditary as well, and it can be triggered by environmental factors such as sunburn, stress, or exposure to industrial chemicals.

Although the underlying causes of vitiligo are not well understood, there are still multiple treatment options available that can help manage the disorder, and firm diagnoses can be made by qualified dermatologists.

Vitiligo Treatments

Unfortunately, vitiligo cannot be cured completely. However, there are options available to help lessen its appearance on your skin, including medications, light therapy, laser therapy, and topical creams and solutions. Which treatment option is right for you will depend on a number of factors, including the type and extent of your vitiligo as well as your lifestyle and personal preferences. It may take a long time to find the right treatment combination that works best for you, so it’s important to be patient throughout the process.

When vitiligo is in its early stages and is not too extensive, your doctor may suggest simply covering it up with makeup or self-tanners rather than undergoing complex and lengthy treatments. If vitiligo does not respond to medications, laser, or light treatments, there are also surgical options available, although these come with a high risk of scarring or other side effects.

Schedule a Vitiligo Consultation Today

If you are suffering from vitiligo, contact the expert, board-certified dermatologists at Ava MD today for a diagnosis and custom treatment plan. Vitiligo should always be treated by a dermatologist with a strong knowledge of skin disorders and who has access to the latest and most advanced treatment options.

To learn more and to make your appointment, call Ava MD at 310-843-9915 (Beverly Hills) or 310-828-2282 (Santa Monica).

Next, read about Warts.