Futura Fit

When diet and exercise are not enough to eliminate stubborn fat, achieving a toned physique is still possible thanks to the Futura Fit by Ultratone! This cutting-edge, FDA-approved device provides unparalleled results with no down time necessary. Get the toned, beautiful body you’ve always wanted with the Futura Fit!

To learn more about this state-of-the-art body contouring technology and whether it is the right choice for you, please contact Ava MD for a thorough consultation. We strongly believe in delivering customized care for optimal results, and will take the time to understand your goals. Simply contact us online or call 310-843-9915 (Beverly Hills) or 310-828-2282 (Santa Monica)!

How Does Futura Fit Work?

Combining ultrasound technology with electrical stimulation, the Futura Fit device is able to safely break up fat cells while activating muscle fibers similar to a session of resistance training. A single treatment can take roughly an hour yet achieve dramatic results similar to a week of traditional workouts at the gym. The device effectively stimulates blood circulation and muscle contraction in the treated areas to help the body metabolize fat for natural, long-term results!

Even better, this treatment is non-surgical, which means there is no scarring or lengthy period of recovery necessary. Most patients describe a session as feeling like a tingly massage. There is no pain or uncomfortable side effects. Some patients feel a slight skin irritation in the area where an electrode was adhered during the treatment.

What Areas Can this Treat?

The Futura Fit can be used to target and eliminate stubborn fat in the arms, thighs, glutes, and abdomen. The results vary greatly for each patient depending on muscle tone and overall body structure; however, it is possible to see a difference in circumferential size following a single session. The number of treatment sessions each patient will need to achieve full results will also vary among patients, but we typically session a weekly treatment for a period of three to six months.

Who is Eligible for Treatments?

The Futura Fit is ideal for patients who are only slightly or moderately overweight and wish to treat stubborn fat around the upper and lower abdomen, love hands, waist, back and arms. The treatment is not recommended for women who are pregnant or those who have metal implants or a pacemaker.

To discuss this treatment and whether it is an appropriate treatment option for your cosmetic and health goals, please schedule a consultation with the expert team of cosmetic dermatologists at Ava MD today. We will work closely with you to ensure that you have realistic expectations about the treatment and can work toward healthy, optimal results.

Contact Ava MD Today!

If you are ready for slimmer, toned body without worry of scars or lengthy recovery time, the Futura Fit may be the ideal solution for you! Get quality results and a complete body transformation today. To schedule your consultation, just call 310-843-9915 (Beverly Hills) today!