Dr. Ava Shares Her Skin Care Recipes With MyFoxBoston TV

Dr. Ava joined Fox 25’s Morning News team in Boston, Massachusetts, to show them how to create a homemade facial from ingredients in their kitchen, including a cleanser, a soothing antioxidant-rich mist, and gentle oatmeal scrub that won’t irritate your skin. The Look: Heal Your Skin: MyFoxBOSTON.com

“Good Morning Texas” – Edible Facial Treatments

Dr. Ava appears on Good Morning Texas to demonstrate that the best skincare doesn’t always cost a fortune – sometimes, it can be found right in your kitchen! And an added bonus: even manly men won’t be put-off by these homemade treatments! Watch the clip and then give them a try!

Avon Walk Recap: A Powerful Weekend of Support, Solidarity, and Hope

Like many great things, the resounding impact of this past weekend’s Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Santa Barbara goes beyond words and must be felt by the heart. Team AVA MD–including Dr. Ava, Candis Melamed, and Rama Fakheri–successfully finished 39.3 miles, raising more than $6,000; while the Avon Walk Santa Barbara raised nearly $4.6…

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Beyonce’s Expecting! Pregnancy Skin Care Tips to Get That Glow

After Beyonce’s big news at the MTV Video Music Awards, baby bumps are all the buzz: the 29-year old R & B diva’s officially expecting. Of course, she’ll shine in her ‘pregnancy glow,’ but pregnant beauties everywhere, beware: those nine months can turn into a roller coaster ride for skin. Hormones in Flux The pregnant…

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5 Skin Care Tips During and After Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, drug target therapy and radiation may cause side effects on the skin, most commonly severe dryness, sensitivity, allergic reactions, flushing, hyperpigmentation, photosensitivity and folliculitis. Listen to your body, and describe any skin changes to your doctor. Chemotherapy comprises your skin structure, so take extra care to follow our tips below.…

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Dream Makeover Part 3: Dreams Come True

Beyond just looking better, Sheila FELT better and happier after her Dream Makeover. In her words, she describes the impact it had on her well-being. Enter our Go After Your Dreams contest by October 31 to be the lucky winner of our next Dream Makeover! “I never thought that I could look this good again.…

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Why is Dr. Ava Doing the Avon Walk?

Hear Dr. Ava describe in her words why she’s walking 39 miles in this weekend’s Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Santa Barbara: “I’ve experienced several cases in my professional career that have moved me. I’ve had patients come in as mere shadows of the vibrant women I’d known for years; you could see the…

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Dream Makeover Part 2: Goodbye Aging, Hello Radiance

Sheila always felt “…much younger than I look–which seems so unfair! Years of sun damage, acne scars and smoking in my 20’s have taken their toll, even though I’ve lived a healthy lifestyle for the past thirty years.” The hormonal changes of menopause also made Sheila’s skin prone to dryness, discoloration, and loss of volume.…

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Tell Your Story & Win a Dream Makeover!

Enter our Go After Your Dreams contest for the month of September to win a Dream Makeover with the cosmetic treatments you always wanted and products from Dr. Ava’s skin care collection! We want YOUR success stories—how did a recent non-invasive cosmetic treatment*—such as an aesthetic treatment, laser procedure, or filler treatment—help you to not…

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October 20th – Book Signing at Chaucer’s Bookstore in Santa Barbara

On Thursday, October 20th, at 7 PM, Dr. Ava Shamban will present and sign her new book, Heal Your Skin: The Breakthrough Plan for Renewal at Santa Barbara’s popular Chaucer’s Bookstore on State Street. Dr. Ava will introduce key chapters in the book, answer your skin care questions, and sign copies of Heal Your Skin!…

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October 1st – Book Signing at Barnes & Noble in Calabasas

On Saturday, October 1st, at 1 PM, Dr. Ava Shamban will present and sign her new book, Heal Your Skin: The Breakthrough Plan for Renewal at the Barnes and Noble at the Commons at Calabasas Park. Dr. Ava will introduce key chapters in the book, answer your skin care questions, and sign copies of Heal…

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