Are You Considering Botox Treatment?

beverly-hills-wrinkle-reduction-neuromodulatorIf you’re unhappy with the wrinkles and lines on your face and are considering treatment to reduce them, you have a lot of options to choose from.

One of the most popular choices is Botox, but a lot of people are either anxious about its results or concerned about the supposedly dangerous Botox side effects. The fact is that many people are misinformed about this highly effective, historically safe treatment.

The skilled, board certified dermatologists at Ava MD in Beverly Hills, led by internationally renowned Dr. Ava Shamban, understand the link between appearance and self-esteem and have dedicated themselves not only to helping patients improve their skin but also to educating people on the variety of wrinkle treatments and options available.

What is Botox?

Botox is a neuromodulator, which means it relaxes muscles by temporarily inhibiting certain nerves from communicating with the connected muscles and making them move. The wrinkle treatment process weakens these muscles, rendering them unable to make the movements that cause lines and wrinkles. The effects are never permanent and full muscle function will be regained without continued treatments.

The Santa Monica dermatologists at Ava MD administer Botox   using a fine needle injected into only the targeted muscles. Without any numbing agent, many patients report very little pain beyond the initial prick, but those with a deep aversion to needles opt for a topical anesthetic to numb the area before the injections. Our team is more than happy to assist our patients with feeling as comfortable as possible during any wrinkle treatment.

Botox treatments last only a few minutes, after which you can resume your daily routine immediately.

How is Botox Different from Dermal Fillers?

Botox reduces the activity of muscles that can cause wrinkles, smile lines, or crow’s feet, while a dermal filler treatment simply fills in any empty areas below the skin and even stimulates collagen growth.

Both result in smoother, more voluminous skin, though they achieve these results in distinct ways.

What Happens During a Botox Treatment?

  • Bumps Appear Temporarily – Right after an injection, small pea-sized bumps appear. These bumps are simply fluids from the injection that, five to 30 minutes later, disappear as your body absorbs them.
  • Very Fast Effects – Within a minute of wrinkle treatment injection, the neuromodulator blocks the nerves that create muscle movement. It doesn’t treat wrinkles directly, but instead reduces the muscle activity that causes wrinkles and lines; in fact, the disengaged muscle activity allows the body itself to repair the wrinkles.

Within one to two weeks, the full results become apparent.

What Happens Next?

  • See You in 3 Months – The effects last three to four months because the muscle slowly begins to work again and the original lines can eventually reappear. To maintain the results you want, you should continue the treatment.
  • The More Often You Do It, the Less You’ll Need – If you adhere to the schedule of getting injections every three to four months, less and less Botox will be injected because, over time, the muscles receiving treatment become weakened and almost inactive, so less is needed.

Why Should I Consider Botox?

  • Smoother Skin – Because of the reduced muscle activity, your skin becomes more pliable and smoother, especially on your forehead.
  • Stops Future Wrinkles – Sometimes neuromodulators are used pre-emptively to prevent lines or wrinkles from ever forming in the first place.
  • Works for Chronic Migraines – Botox for migraines can reduce the chronic recurrence of these horrible headaches. Injections are made into the head or neck to dull future headache symptoms and, after six months of treatment, patients average 7-10 fewer migraine or probable migraine days.
  • Targets Excessive Sweating – Many people have hyperhidrosis, simply known as excessive sweating. This can be socially crippling if you sweat heavily in situations where there is no reason, such as sitting in an air conditioned office. It can happen on the soles of your feet, the palms of your hands, and your underarms. After treatment, results usually last about three months.

How is Dysport Different?

Many people have the same question – who is the winner in Dysport vs Botox?

There’s no clear answer. The effects of Dysport (2-5 days) usually start sooner than those of Botox (4-7 days). Dysport also seems to spread over a slightly larger area after injection. However, one unit of Dysport is smaller, so you need more of it to get the same results.

Are There Potential Complications with Neuromodulators?

Will my face become frozen with Botox?

This is the most common question we get about this wrinkle treatment. And the answer is a resounding “NO!”

Undergoing Botox treatment is as safe as taking two aspirin. When injected by trained, experienced dermatologists such as the Beverly Hills team at Ava MD, Botox delivers results that are natural and satisfying.

That’s not to say that there aren’t Botox side effects. Most medical and cosmetic dermatological procedures often have some risk of side effects. In this case, though, Botox can cause mild nausea or pain, temporary numbness, droopy eyelids, blurred or double vision, neck discomfort, and dry mouth in rare instances.

Learn more about this wrinkle treatment at the official site,

Consult a Specialist at Ava MD Today!

To limit your complications and maximize the effects of your wrinkle treatment, you must see a professional physician like the specialists at Ava MD.

There are many misconceptions about Botox, so contact Ava MD today so we can clear up any questions you may have about wrinkle treatment. We also offer a confidential, personalized consultation, so call us in Beverly Hills at 310.730.8081 or in Santa Monica at 310.879.1819.