Why I’m Loving Lasers

If you’re like a lot of people (myself included!), your new year’s resolutions probably include a promise to take better care of yourself and put your best face forward. As far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing in my dermatology arsenal better suited to serving that purpose than lasers. And no better time than now to try a treatment. Lasers can leave skin slightly more sun sensitive, so the winter months—when you’re likely to be getting a lot less sun—provide the perfect opportunity to let lasers do their best work.

In addition to my favorite standbys, there are some fabulous new devices that deliver great results. Depending on the type of laser or IPL (intense pulsed light) you choose, you can expect to see better skin tone, improved collagen production, tighter skin, lightening of dark spots and even fat reduction.

Here are a few of the lasers and IPLs that I am loving right now:

CoolSculpting by Zeltiq: I know it sounds almost too good to be true, but this procedure actually freezes fat cells right off your body—resulting in a 20 percent fat reduction in the areas that are treated. The body breaks down and eliminates the crystallized fat cells so that you continue to see improvements for one to three months after the treatment.
Fraxel resstore Dual: Traditional laser resurfacing can take days or even weeks to recover from, but this laser’s innovative fractionated technology allows for better results with very little downtime. Within a few sessions, I can promise you skin that’s firmer, smoother in texture, less wrinkled and more even in skin tone.

Isolaz: This is my first choice for helping to clear up current acne breakouts, as well as to prevent future pimples. I recommend four to five sessions to see long-lasting results, but after even one treatment, my patients find that their breakouts look smaller, less red and less noticeable.