Swift® Microwave Therapy

Treat Warts With Swift® Confidence

If you’re suffering from plantar warts, Swift® Microwave technology can treat your condition by stimulating an immune response. Unlike traditional methods, such as cryotherapy, which may require multiple sessions, Swift® uses cutting-edge technology to deliver highly controlled microwave energy into the problem area. By doing this, the patient’s immune system enters a healing response and treats plantar warts at their source.

What is Swift®?

For those suffering from plantar warts, Swift® Microwave Therapy offers a new, highly effective treatment for skin lesions, primarily warts. Swift® uses FDA-approved technology that delivers low-dose microwave energy through a specialized probe. This probe targets and treats the underlying HPV virus by stimulating the natural immune response in the body.

What Does Swift® Treat?

Swift® is the latest technology proven to successfully remove skin lesions, such as warts. Patients report that treatment feels similar to receiving an injection, which subsides quickly. It’s essential to visit a medical professional if you suspect that you may have a plantar wart. The longer they’re left untreated, the more likely they will persist and become more uncomfortable.

Here are some tips to help you determine whether or not you have a wart:

  • Do growths appear on the underside of your foot near the toes, heel, or forefoot?
  • Do you see any growths with small, black dots?
  • Has the skin around the growth become calloused?
  • Do these growths interrupt the natural lines in the skin of your feet?
  • Do any of these growths hurt when you gently squeeze the sides?
  • Are any of the growths painful, bleeding, or have they changed color?
  • Are you experiencing any discomfort that prevents you from doing regular activities?

Although they are not life-threatening, the development of warts can be an aesthetic issue. The longer they go untreated, the more difficult treatment becomes. If you’d like more information on how to do so or need to schedule an appointment for care, contact us today.

How Is Swift® Different From Other Wart Treatments?

The primary difference is the treatment method itself; Swift® delivers low-dose microwave energy through a specialized probe that targets and effectively treat the underlying HPV virus. This stimulates a natural immune response in the body. Additionally, depending on your individualized treatment plan, Swift® can resolve skin lesions in just 2-3 treatments. Treatments are typically spaced within 4-week gaps of each other and last about 5-10 minutes. We like to say we’re addressing the root cause, not treating the symptoms.

Recovering from Your Swift® session

Most patients report slight discomfort as the affected tissue is treated, which immediately subsides when the treatment stops. In fact, some patients report an immediate reduction in pain levels. No home treatments are required between sessions, and most patients are able to resume their daily activities immediately post-treatment.

Contact Us

Want to come see what Swift® Microwave Therapy is all about? We’d love to keep talking with you! Give us a call, touch base with us online, or come visit us in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills.