
Natural Rejuvenation for the Face, Hands, and Body

We all experience age-related loss of fat in the face and body. Youthful skin is plump and smooth due to abundant supplies of collagen and elastin. However, these factors decrease in production as we age. Renuva offers a non-surgical volume-loss solution designed to restore your natural contours in the face, body, and hands using your own fat. But what truly sets Renuva apart is how it promotes the new generation of fat tissue to rejuvenate your appearance. The matrix created by the Renuva injections revascularizes the skin and promotes healthy fat growth.

What is Renuva?

Renuva is an off-the-shelf alternative to autologous fat transfer, making it a groundbreaking treatment that, when injected, gradually replaces age-related fat loss with your body’s own fat. Volume loss is common with aging, which can be treated by an injectable allograft adipose matrix made from purified donated fat tissue. Renuva uses a matrix of adipose-derived stem cells to regenerate fat cells, but it is not a fat transfer in itself. It contains the same collagens, proteins, and growth factors as your own fat cells. After injection, Renuva stimulates the production of new fat cells over a few month’s time! This approach offers several key benefits, including natural-looking results and reduced risk of allergic reactions or complications.

Best of all, Renuva is highly customizable. The fat can be precisely injected into areas where you wish to enhance volume or reduce the appearance of wrinkles, giving you a tailored and personalized treatment.

Where Can Renuva Be Used?

Renuva is versatile and can be used to treat various concerns. It restores facial, hand, and bodily volume with a quick and convenient in-office session. After injection, Renuva creates a matrix in targeted areas that later fills in with your body’s own fat. After just 3-6 months, your body will fully replace the matrix with natural fat of its own. Renuva should only be used on areas of the body where there is already fat.

At Ava MD, our board-certified dermatologists and providers deliver expert care, ensuring you achieve your aesthetic goals. Contact Ava MD today to schedule an appointment to learn if Renuva is the right choice for you.

How Is Renuva Different From Other Treatments?

Some patients turn to fat transfer procedures like liposuction when they want a natural filler option. However, that treatment option is invasive and may require incisions or long recovery times. Additionally, not everyone is a candidate for fat removal.

Unlike traditional dermal fillers that use hyaluronic acid or synthetic materials, what sets Renuva apart is its use of your body’s own fat tissue to rejuvenate your appearance. This approach offers several key benefits, including natural-looking results and reduced risk of allergic reactions or complications.

Who is a Candidate for Renuva

Renuva is more than just another anti-aging treatment; it is a cutting-edge solution designed to address the visible signs of aging while enhancing your natural beauty. This makes it suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking to rejuvenate their appearance and restore lost facial volume. Because every person is different, Renuva results can vary from one person to another. You may be an ideal candidate if:

  • You want to enhance your appearance
  • You are in good physical and emotional health
  • You have realistic expectations of the results possible with Renuva
  • You want to restore volume to your face due to weight loss or aging
  • You want to enhance your buttocks
  • You want to augment the appearance of your hips or other body areas.

The key to determining if Renuva is right for you is to schedule a consultation with the experienced professionals at Ava MD. During your consultation, your skincare needs will be evaluated, and a customized treatment plan will be created to help you achieve your desired results.

Areas Renuva Can Transform

Renuva can be used anywhere on the body where fat already naturally exists. While Renuva can be used to beautify many different areas of the body, including the face, breasts, and hands, it should never be injected directly into the lips, facial muscles, or breast tissue.

  • Face
    • Renuva provides long-lasting results by restoring lost volume to many areas of the face, such as the cheeks, temples, and nasolabial folds.
  • Neck and Chest
    • Renuva can be used to camouflage visible rippling after breast implant surgery. It can also be used to smooth and tighten neck skin, replacing age-related fat loss in the décolletage.
  • Hands
    • Renuva is one of the best options to restore youthful-looking hands, making them appear smoother and softer.
  • Skin depressions
    • Renuva can reduce the appearance of dimpling, fine lines, and wrinkles. It can be used in many areas where fat already exists to create volume in hip-dips, and smooth out cellulite dimples.
  • Contouring
    • Contour irregularities from liposuction scars, and treat depressed scars. Renuva can also be used to add volume back to the buttocks or hips.

If you’re interested in Renuva, contact our office today. Our esteemed Ava MD providers will help you decide if a non-surgical fat transfer is your best treatment option for your own needs and aesthetic goals.

Renuva Results You’ll Love

Renuva is injected directly into the skin, targeting specific problem areas where the loss of fat and volume has occurred due to the aging process or dramatic weight loss. Your Ava MD provider may use a topical anesthetic to improve comfort. The entire procedure takes under an hour and can be performed in your provider’s office.

Many patients love this treatment and report seeing younger, fuller, and smoother skin. While some may notice improvements soon after their treatment, final results typically appear around 3 to 6 months because it takes time for your body to replace the Renuva matrix with your own natural fat. There are few and rare side effects, which include redness, swelling, allergic reactions, and infection.

There is no downtime associated with Renuva; patients can return to their daily activities immediately following their treatment. It is not uncommon to experience swelling and redness after receiving Renuva, but these symptoms will subside within the first 2 weeks of recovery. It is advisable to not manipulate the site that has been treated for the first week following your treatment to guarantee that the matrix remains in the desired position.

Contact Us

If you want to see if Renuva is right for you, give us a call. Our passionate team of physicians and aesthetic professionals are here to customize your treatment plan so you can enjoy gorgeous, long-lasting results. Give us a call, touch base with us online, or come visit us in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills.