Restylane Kysse

If you’re looking for the perfect pout, look no further than Kysse by Galderma. This filler is one of the newest on the market, and it takes lip filler to the next level. Learn more about this fan-favorite treatment and schedule your consultation.

What is Kysse?

Kysse is a new generation filler that is hyaluronic acid-based. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar commonly found in the body. These days, men and women are looking for lip filler that looks natural and stays smooth instead of developing lumps. For the best results from your lip filler, it’s essential to work with a board-certified dermatologist. By working with an expert, you’ll know that your lips will look  beautiful and natural.

The Benefits of Kysse

Kysse injections offer a softer look that is more natural. Your lips will look plump and soft instead of hard and lumpy, providing an excellent aesthetic result. Kysse is also a long-lasting filler, so you can expect to love your lips for up to 6-9 months before needing to come back into the office.

This filler can also add definition to the border of your lips. A more defined border only enhances the results when combined with subtly plump lips.

Because Restylane Kysse is a hyaluronic acid-based gel, it is able to blend with sensitive lip tissue to cause minimal swelling. Like other Restylane injectables, Kysse contains lidocaine, a local anesthetic, so that you’ll stay comfortable throughout the entire procedure. Better yet, Kysse is injected with a much smaller needle than normal to optimize your comfort.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you’re looking for perfectly plump lips, Restylane Kysse may be an excellent solution for you. To learn more about Kysse and to schedule your consultation, call Ava MD today at 310-843-9915 (Beverly Hills) or 310-828-2282 (Santa Monica)!