Dr. Ava Answers Beauty Booty 411’s Skincare Questions

Dr. Ava recently sat down for a Q&A with Beauty Booty 411. Here’s a reprint of ‘The Answers to All Your Skincare Needs’ by Editor in Chief Maria Barillaro:

I was very fortunate to be able to get in contact with Dr. Ava Shamban the dermatologist on Extreme Makeover and the author of Heal Your Skin: The Breakthrough Plan for Renewal. I asked this expert for her most valuable skincare tips for young women, women going through menopause and even women undergoing cancer treatments. Read on to find out what Dr. Ava signals as the most important skincare rules every woman should follow.

BB411: What is your number one skincare rule?

Dr. Ava: The most important rule is to find the right skincare regimen geared to your specific skin type. But whether you have dry, oily, normal or combination skin, your routine needs to include these four key steps—cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize and protect.

BB411: If you had to choose only one type of skincare product, what would it be?

Dr. Ava: Sunscreen—and lots of it! Every skin type needs to wear a lotion that contains at least SPF 25 every day, rain or shine, to shield skin from damaging ultra-violet rays. Choose a product that is broad spectrum and protects against both UVA and UVB exposure. You’ll help prevent wrinkles (sun exposure breaks down collagen making skin look old before its time) and also decrease your risk of skin cancer.

BB411: What specific skincare advice do you have for pregnant women?

Dr. Ava:
Since fluctuating pregnancy hormones can result in skin changes—like acne breakouts, brown patches or dryness—it’s important to reassess your skincare routine during these nine months. You may suddenly be sensitive to products you’ve used for years so switch to a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser, skip harsh scrubs, use an oil-free moisturizer if you’re breaking out and don’t forget to use sunscreen daily. Also, rid your regimen of products with ingredients that can be harmful during pregnancy—especially benzoyl peroxide and Retin A.

BB411: What specific skincare advice do you have for women going through menopause?

Dr. Ava: Hormones are again to blame for the skin changes associated with menopause. You might have acne flare-ups even though your skin is dry and the texture isn’t as smooth as it used to be. Focus your routine on exfoliating ingredients (like alpha hydroxyl acids) that help skin shed dead cells for a smoother complexion and on treatments (like Retin A) that help stimulate collagen production.

BB411: When it comes to women undergoing cancer treatments, what must they keep in mind when looking for skincare products?

Dr. Ava: Cancer treatments can make skin extremely dry, even to the point of redness and peeling. So it’s important to use only the gentlest products and focus on restoring your skin’s lost moisture. Stick to fragrance-free formulas (fragrance can be irritating to dry, sensitive skin) for all of your skincare products. And seek out moisturizers that contain ceramides—they replace an essential skin lipid that is depleted by chemotherapy. If you have any questions about what products to use during this time, it’s a good idea to check in with your dermatologist for a consultation.

BB411: What is the best way, in your professional opinion, to delay the onset of wrinkles?

Dr. Ava: You should avoid the things that are known to contribute to premature skin aging—namely sun exposure, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Beyond that, healthy living is your best defense. Stick to a regular skin care regimen, eat a diet that includes plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, drink at least eight glasses of water daily, exercise regularly, reduce your stress levels and try to get a good night’s sleep.

Thank you to Maria and the Beauty Booty 411 team for the opportunity to answer your readers’ questions!