
What is Ptosis?

Ptosis of the eyelid refers to a droopy eyelid, where the upper eye area lowers downward. The eyelid may droop very little or so much that it can cover the pupil. Additionally, ptosis can potentially limit or even completely block normal vision. The edge of the upper eyelid may be lower than it should be, or there may be excess skin above the eyelid, this is called ptosis or dermatochalasis.

Causes include:

  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Eye surgery
  • Injury
  • Excessive rubbing

Diseases or illnesses that can contribute to eyelid drooping include:

  • Tumor around or behind the eye
  • Diabetes
  • Horner syndrome
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Stroke
  • Swelling in the eyelid, such as with a stye

Drooping may be present in one or both eyes, depending on the cause. It may stay constant or worsen over time, or even come and go intermittently. These factors depend on the cause of the ptosis.

Who Can Develop Ptosis?

Adults can contract ptosis (which is called “involutional” or “acquired ptosis”) when the levator muscle, a key muscle in eyelid firmness, stretches or separates away from their eyelid entirely or partially. If you are born with ptosis, it is called congenital ptosis. Adults can contract ptosis when the nerve controlling the eyelid muscle is damaged, following an injury or disease that weakens the muscles and ligaments responsible for raising your eyelids.

Problems with vision will often be present. These include:

  • The upper field of vision being blocked
  • If the eyelid covers the pupil of the eye, vision may become completely blocked
  • Children may tip their heads back to help them see under the eyelid
  • Tiredness and achiness around the eyes

Ptosis has the potential to cause problems while reading, driving, or walking. You should talk to your doctor about treatment options if you begin to experience vision loss or constriction of your vision.

Treating Ptosis

Treatment options for ptosis vary based on severity. Nonsurgical treatment options include:

  • Prescription eye drops
    • Upneeq® – a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment option in the form of prescription eye drops for acquired ptosis. This eyedrop lifts the upper eyelids to open your eyes. This is available by prescription at Ava MD!
  • Specialized glasses to strengthen the eyes
  • Medication

For people with mild ptosis, Upneeq® offers a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment option with no downtime. It’s also a great option for those who do not want corrective eyelid surgery.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you or someone you know has ptosis, relief is available. Your Ava MD provider is ready to evaluate your droopy eyelids and find the treatment option that’s right for you. We have years of experience treating this condition and work carefully to find the best solution for each patient. Call us at 310-843-9915 (Beverly Hills) or 310-828-2282 (Santa Monica).