SPOTLIGHT ON: Teri Baron, Patient Consultant (Beverly Hills)

Q: How did you end up working in this field? A: I’ve always had a fascination with science and medicine, and with improving people’s lives. I took a ‘pre–med’ track in college, and worked for a long period in medical ophthalmology. When I adopted my son from Russia, I stepped back and took a bit…

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Sometimes I have an experience that really reminds me why I’ve always wanted to be a healer… Janet Blake was a two-time breast cancer survivor when she came into my office for a consultation. She had just finished months of aggressive cancer treatment, and it had taken a toll on her appearance. Janet told me…

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Listening to Botox

It’s the last week of National Self-Awareness month.  And I’m just as self-aware as the next person about why I love neuromodulators.  They absolutely rock.  Neuromodulators are the  go-to tool in the ‘look ten years younger in ten minutes’ arsenal.  But believe it or not, they do more than help you look like a hottie.…

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Knowledge is Power

September is ‘Self-Awareness Month.’  And self-awareness is a great thing to have.  It helps get you invited to parties.  Write a dating profile.  And gives you the ability to make witty, self-deprecating comments like “I wouldn’t talk so much about myself if I wasn’t such an expert on the topic.”  But anyone can sit around…

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September’s Here – Time to Turn Over a New Leaf

Guest blogging for us this week is Christine Nell, Nurse Practitioner and Co-Founder, AVA MD Beverly Hills. Everyone has an epiphany moment, and mine came in college.  I had acne, and I hated it.  So I decided I would cure the world of acne.  Plain and simple.  Course charted.  Girl on a mission, and ready…

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August is National Psoriasis Awareness Month

Most of the time, we want the stuff that celebrities like Kim Kardashian and LeeAnn Rimes have got.  Not so with their psoriasis.  Mysterious, uncomfortable, and in some cases downright debilitating, this skin condition is no fun.  About 3% (7 million) of Americans suffer from it, and each year another 150,000 – 260,000 get diagnosed.…

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Get into the Zone

Hi, I’m Dr. Soheil Simzar, and I’m a dermatologist at AVA MD. I’m also a huge basketball fan, and have been for years.  In basketball, you can’t rely just on skill and ability.  To be successful you have to want to win more than your opponents.  The unrelenting drive to win will give you a…

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Skin Care of Champions

In jewelry as in life, I’ve always been one to go for the gold.  With experience I’ve come to realize however that perfection—at least on most days—may in fact be out of reach.  But every time the Olympics roll around, I wonder about it all over again and start thinking hey, what if? Even though…

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When the Good Get Sloppy

To my knowledge, none of us has yet attained perfection (at least not yet!).  We are all works in progress, battling our vices, setting our goals, and trying our best.  Yet sometimes, no matter how hard we strive, we come up short.  We flub the triple axel, deflate the soufflé, mis-conjugate the irregular French subjunctive. …

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recurring facial pimples treatment beverly hills

Acne Awareness Month: Adult Acne is On the Rise

Ah, the teenage years.  Cheerleading stardom, homecoming bliss. Road trips with girlfriends, and that romantic first kiss. For some, these are the glory days.  For some others, not so much. For those of us in the silent majority who experienced high school as a blur of wardrobe malfunctions, social mishaps, and horribly-timed breakouts from a particularly vicious…

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Sun-kissed and Savvy

Happy last day of Skin Cancer Awareness Month!  I know you’re probably quite excited it’s over, maybe even planning to stand out by the window without a sunhat between the hours of 11 and 3, sticking your tongue out and thumbing your nose.  And I wouldn’t blame you.  After a while, everyone gets sick of…

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Genetics: Friend or Foe?

Mother’s Day has come and gone.  But has it?  Don’t get me wrong—it’s one of my favorite holidays ever.  But if you’re like me, it takes a couple of days to recover.  You’ve got to make sure all the burnt toast is out of the bed sheets.  Find the perfect outfit to go with that…

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