Eliminate Sun Spots Easily at AVA MD

We have all heard that long term exposure to the sun can cause burns, peeling and even skin cancer. But did you realize that the sun’s rays could cause extensive cosmetic damage to your skin as well as premature aging?

As you grow older it is likely that you have started to notice more freckles and brown spots on your face and hands. If you have spent countless hours in the sun it is likely that these spots can be found on other areas of your body as well. These brown spots and freckles may seem harmless, but they will make you appear older than you truly are or older than you feel.

If your skin is looking a little tired and worn from the sun, visit AVA MD today to learn more about our many therapies that reduce the appearance of sun spots and keep you looking young and vibrant.

  • IPL/Fotofacial: Used for both face and body, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a non-ablative technology used for pigmentation improvement. The photofacial evens out pigment and improves the appearance of sun damaged and aged skin.

  • Fraxel Restore Dual: Fraxel Restore Dual resurfaces the skin, tightens, repairs texture and firmness, addresses brown spots, age spots, uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation.

  • Cynosure Elite: Cynosure Elite fades redness, age spots and spider veins; it also tightens skin. This laser treatment fades photo damage, brown spots and post-acne pigmentation, firms skin texture and evens tone.

  • Q Switched Ruby Laser: Lightens brown spots, freckles and dark tattoo pigments. This laser selectively removes brown spots on the face, chest, back and hands as well as brown birthmarks.

Don’t spend another day wishing you had taken better care of your skin, or feeling older than your truly are. Contact AVA MD for a complete skin evaluation and treatment today.