Eliminate Sun Spots and Age Spots with IPL

Sun exposure and the normal aging process cause uneven skin color and affect the texture of the skin. Age spots and sun spots alter your overall appearance and leave you looking years older than your real age. At AVA MD in Los Angeles, we can improve the look of sun-damaged skin as well as aged skin. Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is a non-invasive procedure that can be used both on the face and different parts of the body, such as the chest and neck, where sun damage is evident. It also improves your skin’s texture by means of collagen stimulation. IPL in Beverly Hills helps in restoring your youthful look.

IPL is ideal for people who have busy schedules in Los Angeles and cannot afford to have too much downtime following cosmetic treatments. IPL treatments at AVA MD are gentle and completed quickly. You can easily squeeze in the treatments in your schedule without experiencing significant interruptions in your daily activities.

IPL/Fotofacial removes age spots and broken capillaries for an even and younger-looking skin. Also, you can see significant results after a few treatments. By taking good care of your skin and protecting it from the sun, you can enjoy healthy and smooth skin with maintenance treatments.

The Procedure

During an IPL treatment, a transparent handpiece that transmits a broad spectrum of light is placed on the skin. Wavelength can be changed through the handpiece’s cut-off filters depending on the skin’s condition and the area that requires treatment. Light goes to the tissue and into the blood or into the melanin. The natural process of the body then removes the damaged tissue for a younger-looking skin.

To learn more about IPL laser treatments, visit WebMD.com.

To take advantage of this procedure, call AVA MD at 310-843-9915 for our Beverly Hills office and 310-828-2282 for our Santa Monica office. You deserve to look vibrant! Dr. Ava Shamban and her team of skin care experts can help you achieve that with the wide array of skin rejuvenation treatments available at AVA MD.